Board Member

Narriman Saleh Jiddawi

Narriman Saleh Jiddawi is a Senior Marine Scientist with a PhD in Marine fisheries. She is a retired senior lecturer from the Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Dar es salaam. She has published not less than 150 papers and reports related to marine sciences and fisheries. She is now a Deputy Chair of the Women in Marine sciences network Zanzibar under WIOMSA and founder member of SeaPower NGO dealing with Deepwater seaweed farming technique. She is still involved in various activities such as teaching and supervising PhD and Msc students from IMS and SUZA and other international universities (from Sweden, Norway, USA etc). She has done a lot of work on women empowerment along the coast. More information can be found in these websites:
For more information:
Google scholar: Jiddawi